
I realize I am not THAT interesting so instead of a personal blog I choose to blog on what I think will be useful to the people that take the time to read it: Current (and not so current) news, free stuff, great/neat/interesting websites, useful products or software, and anything else that I want to share with the world.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Gmail is an awesome service provided by Google, as I am sure you have heard about by now. One of the awesome things about it is it's large storage capacity (2.7 gigs and growing), but one thing many people (myself included) wonder is how fast is it's inbox growing. They don't know for sure but visit the link below to read how one man calculated how fast it's growing and when it is expected to hit 3 gigs!

Antimail : What is the size of a GMail inbox now, and in the near future?

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