
I realize I am not THAT interesting so instead of a personal blog I choose to blog on what I think will be useful to the people that take the time to read it: Current (and not so current) news, free stuff, great/neat/interesting websites, useful products or software, and anything else that I want to share with the world.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Online Photo Editing 

After some recent problems required me to do some quick photo editing, and I stumbled upon some great online Photo Services.

http://pxn8.com/  Great features with really easy to use format

http://www.myimager.com/  More Features but not as user friendly

http://www.resize2mail.com/  Photo re-sizer

Pixel/Inch Conversion    Calculate/Convert Pixels to Inches or vice versa (useful for trying to print photos at an exact size)

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